
What do you think of when I say coffee?  Usually if I invite a friend to meet me for coffee we set aside time to chat.  Sometimes its a serious conversation but most of the time its just a time that we have to catch up on life.  Thats what this portion of my blog is all about.  Life.  So go grab a cup of Joe (however you like it) and lets chat!

Recently my son started Karate.  I’m excited about it but not half as excited as my husband is.  I think he is living vicariously through our son!  Our son loves it.  Sometimes I wonder though if we need to scale him back to just going twice a week instead of three times a week.  The days get long and he’s so tired after school.  This has become a heated debate between my husband and myself.  He loves taking him and watching him succeed.  I love that; I just want to make sure he’s also working on his spelling words, eating well, and getting plenty of sleep.  You know all of the basic mom worries.  Our compromise has become that if he starts slipping up at school (not doing well on spelling tests etc.) he will go less to Karate and if he is tired and doesn’t want to go we won’t force him.  Thats what marriage is all about compromise right?!