I Believe! A message for the skeptic Today.

The world seems to be spinning out of control right now with the COVID-19 Pandemic. I’ll be the first to admit a few weeks ago when this news came out my initial thought was “oh China, here we go again.” I really hadn’t given it more thought. Even when there was evidence that it was here (in the U.S.) I didn’t take it too serious. I realize now that I was in fact a skeptic. After having researched a bit and learned (what there is to learn) I realize there is cause for concern! When I scroll social media I also realize there are still SKEPTICS out there?! So much information at our finger tips and yet people still don’t believe! What?!

In my estimation there are two types of skeptics. There is the analytical skeptic and the ignorant skeptic. The analytical skeptic has a hard time believing the numbers or how the scientists have come to their conclusions they question everything. The ignorant skeptic has an attitude problem and doesn’t care to learn or even look at the research, he is basically lazy. Either way you look at it both skeptics are in the same boat because they don’t believe. This skepticism WILL cost people their lives. Its such a tragedy when we let ourself get in the way.

The Lord revealed to me today that this skepticism that I’m seeing in our world today is the exact same skepticism that Jesus and His Church has suffered since the beginning of time. There is SO much scientific evidence to prove several stories in the Bible. As well as numerous written accounts of people who seen and walked with Jesus after his resurrection. Yet so many are still skeptical. I highly recommend the book “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel if you are interested in reading from a very analytical perspective- this so good! Lee was an atheist who after investigating Christianity (to disprove it) became a follower of Jesus himself!

There are so many examples in the Bible of skeptics. Jesus’ very own disciples had at least moments of skepticism. One such moment: In Matthew 17 the story of a man who brought his son who was having seizures to Jesus to heal and in verse 16 it says ” I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.” Later the disciples asked Jesus why they could not heal the boy and Jesus said “because you have so little faith.”

I’m not saying that skepticism is all bad. In fact if we believed everything we heard and didn’t question it we could be in serious trouble. The problem comes when our faith (or lack there of) is tested. Like in the world today for example. Will we use this time we have to hoard, stockpile, cling to/protect our own family or will we think of the needy, elderly, the sick/frail, and reach out? Some of us are facing other very tough situations. Marriages are falling apart, cancer is threatening your life, you’ve miscarried, your son or daughter is using drugs, etc. I’m going to a movie tomorrow that shares Jeremy Camp’s story-he lost is wife to cancer. So many desperate situations. Will you cling to the truth or will you allow the skeptic in you to take over and lead you down a deep dark path?

If you continue reading in Matthew chapter 17 verse 20 Jesus said to his disciples “if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, MOVE from here to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” I’m a very visual person. I want to challenge you to do a little craft. Write that verse out on a piece of paper and either tape a real mustard seed to it or print a picture off the internet of a mustard seed and tape that onto the verse. Hang that verse up on your mirror, refrigerator, wherever you’ll see it everyday. Be reminded that your faith is being tested right now and if you can conjure just a teeny tiny amount of faith -your mountain WILL MOVE! There is this saying: “Jesus said it, I believe it and that settles it.” Lets not forget that we have a small part to play here. Its all for not if we don’t BELIEVE. I believe Jesus is going to show up and show off in these turbulent times. Do you believe it?

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