How to set Goals & 8 of my Goals for 2020

In this blog I want to be transparent about the goals that I have set this year.  I also feel like the Lord put a word on my heart that he’s going to continue to weave throughout my life this year.  I know sometimes goals seem counter intuitive to people.  Its this feeling that if I don’t succeed then what was the point in the first place?!   Actually I admit I thought this way for a number of years and then I realized I had just set my expectations AND my goals WAY too high.  Two things to keep in check when you are setting goals:

1.  Is this goal achievable/realistic?  I sat with a lady at a meeting the other day and her goal was to lose 15 lbs by the end of February.  I asked her how much she had lost since she’s been losing weight (about 4 months).  She admitted she has only lost 15 lbs in the 4 months.  I shared with her that her goal may not be realistic (based of history).  Don’t shoot for the moon.  

2.  Your Goal should be measurable and specific.  If it doesn’t have a number or a way to asses/measure then you won’t have a way to see the progress.  Also get specific- is it a weekly goal, monthly goal, etc.  Be as specific as possible so that you know exactly  what to expect and make a plan to achieve it.     

Here is the most important thing to keep in mind – goals are just a guide.  Don’t get discouraged if you didn’t meet it fully.  Did you progress?  Then give yourself some slack and celebrate the success not the fail part.  Goals can be re-written and many times need to be re-written!  Life get in the way!  My goals probably will change halfway through the year depending on what I have or have not accomplished.  Below are the goals I have set for 2020.  I do have plans for each goal which I did not go into.  Feel free to email or drop a question in the comments if you’d like some more details.  I will try to keep you all posted on how my goals are coming along.

  1. Lose 20 lbs
  2. Exercise 4 days a week with 1 class being dedicated to Strength Training
  3. Save $200 each pay period
  4. Save $75-$100 per month for car insurance
  5. Read 15 book
  6. Journal or blog at least 1x/week
  7. Journal 1 sentence every day
  8. Get away with David for our 10 year Anniversary (no kids, gotta take a plane)

The word I feel the Lord laid on my heart this year is BLOOM. I feel like I’m never quite content with where I’m at and God has told me countless times he has me right where he wants me. So my overarching goal this year is to dig in right where he has planted me and allow his work to bloom in my life!

“That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither- whatever they do prospers.” Psalms 1:3