Are You Loyal to A Lie?

Now before you answer NO!  Really think about this question.  Are you loyal to a lie or a series of lies?  I was loyal to the lie that I was not good enough.  So loyal in fact that nothing I did was ever good enough.  Unfortunately this is a lie that I still struggle with today.  The worst part about it is that today I have a family that is also affected by this lie I have believed.  My “perfectionism” has made it hard for those closest to me to feel valued.  This is my WHY!  I have to put this lie to rest!  I can not afford to give it one more minute of one more hour of one more day to breathe or take up residence in my heart. 

What does the Bible say about 1.  Lies  and 2. Our value?  Proverbs 6:16 says “There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:   haughty eyes (pride), a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to run into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who sirs up conflict in the community (rumors).  In Colossians 3:9 it says “Do not lie to one another, for you have stripped off the old self with its evil practices.”  Two things that really stand out to me in these scripture verses.  1.  God hates Lies.  The Proverbs reference shares 7 things the Lord hates three of which include Lying!   2.  Colossians describes an embracing of our new nature and a turning from our old nature.  This convicts my spirit.  It is SO hard to change.  Seriously.  When you tell yourself something long enough (whether it be truth or lie) you begin to believe it.  This is where it all starts.  In our minds.  If we don’t change the way we think our hearts will be affected- gravely.  “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.”  (Proverbs 4:23 GNT)

Take a serious look at this question again.  Are you loyal to a lie?  If so I challenge you to look to scripture.  Challenge your belief (lie).  Sometimes we lie to ourself to get away with something but if we really need to lie to ourself to “get away” we are only deceiving ourself.  Better to deal with this pain now then 3 years from now or 10 years from now when it has taken root in our heart.  If your confused whether your belief is a lie ask yourself if it lines up with what scripture teaches?

What does the Bible say about our value?   The Bible has an exhaustive list of references pointing to how GREAT our value is.  Now there is a trap here.  Sometimes we can get so caught up in “our value” that it can become pride and that is exactly what happened to Lucifer.  I believe however that in our world today and in our culture there is actually a lack of healthy pride.  I believe the enemy loves to tell us how “unworthy we are” how God surly can’t accept us because of how “bad” we are.  Its nothing new.  He still uses this same lie and it is a trap!  When Jesus was led into the desert and tempted by Satan the very first lie he crafted was Jesus’ identity.  (See Matthew 4:3).  Scripture says that Satan is the “father of lies” (see John 8:44).  Don’t allow yourself to believe the lie any longer.   Instead look to scripture for truth concerning your value.  I love reading Isaiah because I find the prophesies are just so profound.  Many of Isaiah’s prophesies have been fulfilled and there are still some to be seen.   Isaiah 62:3 says “You will be a crown of splendor in the Lords hand, a ROYAL diadem in the hand of your God”.  Another favorite verse of mine is Proverbs 31:26  “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”  I want to challenge you to dig into scripture.  Find some scripture that will combat the lies that you are struggling with today.  I never read my Bible and later wished I hadn’t spent that time reading it.  The Bible is our BEST weapon against the enemy schemes.  Open it today and don’t allow yourself to be Loyal to a lie!