Trusting God in Hard Times

“When my heart is faint, lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy.” Psalm 61:2,3

This is going to be a hard post to write, a hard post to share and probably a hard post for you to read. I make no apology- life is hard. We were never promised as believers an easy life. In fact Jesus warned us “In this world you WILL have tribulation. BUT take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

I will spare you the laundry list of things that weigh on my heart today because there are so many. I know that you all have things your facing today as well. Instead I will just share the biggest thing (right now) that is heavy on my heart. My sister. She has been no saint and I know that she will attest to this but watching her fight cancer while she fights an ugly divorce/child custody battle is OVERWHELMING. I have to say as I watch her do this I have never been so proud of her! She is 7.5 years older then me so we really have never been very close. Beyond the age gap though we actually had a hard time ever really getting along. We bumped heads a lot and I probably fostered some pretty harsh feelings towards her. Its crazy how fast PERSPECTIVE hits when cancer comes on the scene.

I have come to realize that none of that (past trauma) really matters because my sister has cancer. In the last 2 years since she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer our friendship has blossomed and I hate that it took cancer to wake us all up! So many regrets but now all we can live for is today.

“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.” Proverbs 27:1

Jamestown Jimmies!

This fall my sister and I went to my nephews football game. My sister LOVES watching football. It was honestly the highlight of my year- watching her watch her son play college football. Yes I’m on the floor bawling right now as I write this. I have finally learned to appreciate all of the small moments in life. When I get the opportunity to be with her I find myself making these visual programs in my mind and storing the memory/moments so that I can recall it out if or when needed. I may not see eye to eye with her and we may have had our moments but beyond all of that- she is so much fun. She loves life. She loves her kids. She has a beautiful heart. She was dealt a lot of tough stuff in this life and it seems unfair but she has LIVED, she has LOVED, she has been LOVED and she is a STRONG, FIERCE woman.

I want my sister to know whether she lives or dies: death does NOT have the final say! Death is imminent. Its going to happen to us all. What is important is how we lived while we were here on earth. What did we do with our time?

  1. Did you know Jesus?
  2. Did You make Jesus known?

In John 11: 25,26 Jesus tells Martha “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall NEVER DIE.”

Sister I am praying you through this battle. I want to see us have MANY MANY more moments together. I am believing for a miraculous healing in your life!! If you leave us I will rest in knowing that death is not the end and you are living in a better place- free of pain. I want you to rest in knowing that I will do everything in my power to honor your memory and love your kids so that one day they too will be with you. Please don’t give up. KEEP FIGHTING! JESUS WINS NO MATTER WHAT!!!!

8 Replies to “Trusting God in Hard Times”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing honey!!! Sending prayers for a miraculous healing for your sister and rejoicing that you have grown closer!!!
    I didn’t talk to my sister Roni for 15 years and I’m so thankful that The Lord healed our relationship before she passed this last August.
    Your words hit home more than I can say and I pray those that read this will find it in their hearts to forgive and restore their relationships.
    Love you and I will continue to pray

    1. What a blessing that you too had a chance to heal your relationship with your sister! Thanks Julie for your prayers!

  2. Simply Beautiful ♥️🌹♥️🌹
    Oh how I Love each and every member
    Of this family! 🥰

  3. Beautiful beautiful beautiful!! Words don’t sum up what you wrote here is all about LOVE! I am in agreement with you and where 2 or more gather we know He hears us! Please GOD we lift up Noelle’s sister into your hands as only you are the Healer that we need. We pray for divine healing from you, Lord. You made heaven sans earth with your hands and now we need another miracle so that this sweet mama and sister can live to tell your story for many years to come!!
    ~In Jesus Mighty Name~

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