3 Products that are making life a little easier for me right now

I promised a fun post and this is the first of a couple that I’ve been wanting to share. Some products that have been making my life a little easier lately. My daughter and I just had a discussion about NEEDS vs. WANTS- I’m not one to spend money frivolously. It has to make sense, save me money (in the long haul) and be practical/useful/save me time! These three product do all of those things so I’m excited to share!

First Up: Dawn Power Wash

I can’t say enough about this product. I use it on EVERYTHING. Hard to scrub pots & pans, Kids Gatorade bottles, my Bubba cup straws, carpet stains, clothing stains, etc. In the pictures below you will see that I used it to clean my stove top and even a couple of drip pans. I spray and let it set for about a minute before I scrub with a sponge. I don’t let it sit too long or it will dry up but long enough to work itself into the mess/stain. Everything is so much easier with this stuff. Now I know this product is probably not going to win an award for “best clean product”. Pretty sure it probably has a couple of harsh chemicals. BUT this is saving me so much time from scrubbing. I honestly can oversee this. The pro’s outweigh the cons in my mind. I don’t use it for large spreads such as our floors and counter tops (unless there is a stain somewhere). So I’m okay to have this around. It saves me time and money and those are high commodities right now.

Before 1

Next: Malibu Hair Conditioning Treatment

I’ve used this one on the right multiple times
This is VERY similar to the Swimmers and I have used this one also

Swimming in pools with chlorine makes Lily’s hair course and VERY snarly. I have found these conditioning treatments to be a BIG game changer for us. So simple to use. Use 1/2 or full package and let sit on hair 5-10 minutes. Usually she plays in the bath while it sits in her hair. Then just rinse it out like a normal conditioner. It brings so much life back to her hair- it amazing! I haven’t tried it on myself because I just haven’t felt like my hair has needed it but its been really great for Lily. We usually do this maybe once every couple of months but in the spring now (with swim lessons-in the pool) and summer coming up- I’ll stock up. We will likely need to do it every 2-3 weeks. A conditioning treatment at a spa or hair Salon would run you on average $30 so I feel like this saves us money and gets really great results- winning!


Lastly: Hard Boiled Egg Cooker

Just add a little water to the base before you press the on button


Our family eats a lot of eggs! This quick egg cooker is so great. I set the eggs in it with a little water and press a button. That’s it. I’m free to go about my business. It makes a dinging noise when it is done and automatically shuts off. I rinse the eggs in cold water and into the refrigerator they go. I have used this little machine about 50 times and love it. Eggs come out tasting perfect and easy to peel! I got mine at Hobby Lobby but I believe you can find them on Amazon too.